So surprise! I’m not actually in Totonicapan like expected. Elder King lied to me about that... haha. I’m actually in Xela, aka Quetzaltenango. Strange right? I sure didn’t expect it. I’m in an area called El Prado with a kid named Elder Callejas. This is his 3rd change... He has just about 5 months. I’m his second companion. At least he speaks Spanish haha. He is from El Salvador, but not really... He moved to the states when he was 12. Has lived in Draper, Utah ever since. For that, he knows English as well haha. Not bad right? My new Zone is called El Bosque, which is also the name of the stake I’m in. It has been quite different being in Xela to be honest. Pure city, and my area is one of if not the smallest areas in Xela, if not the mission.
Thus far I have enjoyed it though. The assistance yesterday was 112. Not bad compared to Cunen... We live in a legit house. It has a freaking water heater... I haven’t seen one of those in who knows how long. You can see the temple from my area. It may be a ways away, but it is still quite the sight at night :) The craziest part is the work. This past week has just about killed me. Walking so much... Doing so many things... It is ridiculous. My first day (last Tuesday) I walked 15.7 miles. Wow it killed me. Being in Xela means a lot more with the temple. We got many references everyday from people going to the temple. At night, our leaders would give us a new list and we would have to contact them the next day. We have gotten quite a few investigators from that...
The temple really has impacted the mission, especially here in Xela. For the two week open house, the goal was to have 80,000 people pass through. By the end of it all, 126,000 people had gone through. Crazy stuff. I was able to go again Thursday (Thanksgiving) and Saturday (the last day). Saturday was insane... So many people. Such long lines. It was remarkable in my mind. I even saw a kid from my CCM district that went to the Coast mission. That was really cool to see him. Elder Lechtenberg is his name... We had a nice time catching up and what not haha. Everyone I have talked to has loved it. They all think it is beautiful. They all just say "Les felcito", which I congratulate you guys haha. Random thing to say, but hey! At least people are noticing it.
So for Thanksgiving....... I did absolutely nothing. No turkey. No stuffing. No mashed potatoes. Nothing... I did get to go to the temple, so that made up for it quite a bit. A lady in our ward told me that I need to eat 2 meals next year to make up for. She lived in the states for a total of 30 years, so she not only speaks English, but also understands how things work there. I like her haha. I forgot it even was Thanksgiving until like midday. It took me by surprise. The only down fall of the day was losing my suit clip on nametag from the MTC. Oh well though... Next year's will be better :)
This past week I finished the New Testament. I love it...
The ward I’m in is really cool. I have already made pretty good friends with the people. I even went on divisions with this 16 year old in the temple Thursday. That was a lot of fun for me haha. We get lunches every day, and everyone is rather rich, so they are usually nice lunches. My companion has been telling me that even sometimes we get steaks, but we'll have to see how those actually are haha. I’m liking it for now. It really is kicking my butt though. Haven’t worked so much in some time now. So much to do for just about the first time in my mission. Maybe I’ll actually see some success in this area. You just never know...
Today I have 16 months. Another one down...just 8 more to go. Time is flying by as always. The mission is good for now. Life is good. Hope all is going well back home! I miss you guys so much. I hope Becky is hanging in there alright. I love you Becky :) Take care everyone. Love you all!
Elder db
Temple from David's area |
Elder Lechtenberg |