All of Xela (Quetzaltenango) |
As you all birthday is tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes! Has been a good p-day because all of them. I got a special email today :) I received an email from the mission asking about me going home. I said I would be flying into Sky Harbor. I hope that is still the name of it haha. I was really excited to fill that sheet out though!
Today has been a lot of fun. This morning we went to this place here in our zone called Baul. It is just a mountain that looks over all of Xela perfectly. It was an awesome view... Had some legit slides... Some cool things. We hired a pickup truck to drive us all up there, so that was intense. A good 18 of us... haha. So legit. Then we went to play soccer. It was a pretty fun day in that regard too. Then I ate McDonalds........not my favorite, but it was good I guess.
I’m not going to say all that is going to happen tomorrow because if I do, I’ll have nothing cool to write about next week... Got a good lunch planned though and a good dinner, so it should be enjoyable. Bergeson is going to the office right now to see if my packages are there, so we'll see if I get them. Hopefully at least one is there for me. I’ll find out shortly though.
Anyways, about the past week...
Started with a conference with President Bautista on Tuesday - It was a good one. They did give us lunch. Lasagna again... Still delicious though :) After the conference we ran by this place called Bake Shop on our way home because it is only open Tuesdays and Fridays, so if you are around it on one of those have to go there haha. It is a bakery, equivalent to America, owned by the Amish. Who knows why they live here in Guatemala....but I’m very happy for their presence because they bake some good deliciousness :)
That same night I ran over to another area with Bergeson to help them out a bit. Coming back was a little hard because there weren’t any buses. Luckily we got the police to give us a ride back to where we were going. The police are really nice here... I swear they don’t do anything in their jobs haha. Good peeps though.
Officially had my first "Correlation" with our Ward Mission Leader since my first area. It was worth it though because we got some good planning out of it. For example, this Wednesday we have an activity planned to help us find some new people to teach. Made invitations for it and everything! So it is going down. That is, if they show up to it...
Had a nice long talk with a guy in our ward about his mission in Paraguay. It really is crazy how different every mission is... His President took them to Soccer games and all sorts of stuff.
Clean houses=love :) We cleaned our house yet again this past week... Everything feels so much better when everything is in order haha.
I did check out suits this past week. On Thursday I ordered one... I paid about a hundred dollars for the fabric to make it, and I’m paying another hundred dollars to make it. It is going to be nice though... It is going to be gray with white stripes, so you can take the one you guys bought back. I wouldn’t mind a solid blue one though. Only if you manage to find a slim. I like the sound of a slim one. I have enough money right now, but I do want a hard drive still. I think I found a 500 gig one for 100 bucks, so I might get that one. So put in some more money if you can. I might need it, but most likely not.
We did a few visits with one of my best friends in the ward, Guillermo. I was playing with this little 5 year old kid for a good amount of time. Reminded me of Cole... It was sad when I left. I miss playing with that little man.
I misplaced 500 Quetzales or someone took it... Have a good feeling I just hid it somewhere and now have no idea where I put it haha. Whoops!
Yesterday in church I did quite a few things. We were asked to bless the sacrament to start everything off... The talks were already set, but one guy didn’t show up because he was "sick", so both my companion and I gave little messages. I managed to make everyone laugh again with a joke about how much I cry haha. After sacrament, we had to cut out a bunch of invitations to hand out to everyone...then we had to find people to talk for a little girl's baptism this week. Then at lunch I was asked to say the prayer.
Life is good though. This week should be a good one... Might be my last week here in Xela. Changes are next Tuesday, so we shall see what happens with that. I’m hoping I stay where I’m at until I die though. I have a lot of good friends here and don’t want to leave them. Who knows...
Again, thanks for the birthday wishes! I may be in Guatemala, but it should be a good one like last year's. Thanks for everything guys. Miss you all!
With tons of amor,
Elder Bitner :)
I’m 21! Vegas???
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