Nahualá |
Life is alright... Hope you all had a Happy Easter! I forgot about it. Remembered at like 7 p.m.
Well, I’m no longer in El Prado. I received emergency changes this past Thursday. I mentioned last week that my companion, Elder Conte, was going to be having an interview Monday night. After the day was up, we went over to the mission home. He wasn’t in there too long... Then President said he wanted to talk to me for a moment. I of course said that would be fine. In my short interview, he mentioned that I would be with Chacón alone for a few weeks. I told him it would be fine, so I thought that was what was going to happen. He also talked to me about my plan for when I get home. That made me homesick-ish haha. Ridiculous... Anyways, we got the phone call Wednesday night saying that Chacón and I were to have changes the next day. I was not ready to leave my area. President told me my new area and new companion on the phone though. Thursday when we showed up to the terminal, I was met by a few people. One of them being my new companion. His name is Elder Nuñez and is from Honduras. I’m training him... He has been trained one change, but in our mission you have to be trained 2 changes now to be a normal missionary. Therefore, I’m training him for his second change. Yay... haha. We are in a place called Nahualá. It is the closest area to the central mission (where Ryan is), so that is kind of neat. According to the map I have, it is the highest point on the Central American Highway or something like that. Pretty crazy.
The new area isn’t too bad. We live in the boundaries of a ward called Calvario. Our house is surprisingly very nice... We also cover a branch though called Xeraxon (pronounced sh-air-uh-shon). That means... 5 hours of church every Sunday. Wouldn’t be all that bad, but the problem is the meetings are held in K'iche (Quiche). I don’t understand anything... A great place to learn more Spanish....not! It is a very poor place over all. They all wear the corte deal and speak the dialect.
The weirdest thing about church yesterday was the fact that there were 3 guys attending - one who was born in Malad, Idaho (lives in West Valley, Utah) and the another from American Fork, Utah. No idea about the other one. The two that I actually talked to were down for their wives' brother's wedding.
Finished reading a book about Josh Hamilton who is a baseball player for the Texas Rangers. It is a book he wrote about overcoming addiction. It is called Beyond Belief. Bergeson's girlfriend sent it to him and he let me borrow it. It was a great book. Something that would help a lot of people out if they knew about it. He has quite the story... It is amazing where he has come to be.I would like if you guys bought it for me. That would be something nice and small to come home too haha. I also got my suit :) It is beautiful and fits great. Can’t wait to wear it July 12th. Will be great! I also got the stuff I ordered from the place called Todos Santos. Turned out awesome too. I got lots of stuff to come home with. Pretty legit... Let me know if there is anything you guys want me to look for.
Well, hope all continues to go well. Happy birthday to Derek this week! Almost 30... Craziness.
Miss you all and love you all!
Wish me luck in Nahualá,
Elder Bitner
My trio... Kid to the left=Elder Chacón. Kid to right=Elder Conte. |
Elder Nuñez |
Waterfall in Nahualá |
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